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Welcome to the website for the integration programme for newcomers and foreigners in Brussels

Settling in a new country can raise a lot of questions about issues such as language learning, your rights and obligations as a citizen, housing, job and/or training opportunities, and healthcare.

As soon as you are registered in the register of foreigners of a Brussels municipality, you can follow a free integration programme at a BAPA or BON in your own language or a language you understand.

Many of BAPA and BON social workers or trainers are “experts from experience”. This means that they themselves followed an integration programme at some point. They draw on their experience to guide and assist other newcomers. They completely understand how you feel. You can go to them with any questions you may have.

People who have been living in Belgium for longer can also follow the programme on a voluntary basis. Following the programme is always beneficial, whether for learning one of the national languages or for better understanding how Belgium works. Following the programme also allows you to prove your social integration when applying for citizenship.

An integration programme include:

A welcome journey during which housing, revenue, healthcare and other needs are assessed;

training in citizenship and civic society;

language lessons if necessary: Dutch lessons at BON or at a Bapa or French lessons at a Bapa

Depending on the organiser, you can also participate in other activities on a voluntary basis (workshops, specific training, voluntary work, etc.)

5 good reasons to enrol:

Make it easier to find your way around in Belgian and Brussels society; have the opportunity to meet new people; help in feeling at home.

Learn French or Dutch, an asset if you want to live and work in Belgium.

BAPA and BON offer courses and personalised support in your own language – available online (BON only).

Obtain an integration certificate on successful completion of the programme. This can help you to obtain Belgian nationality.

Obtain assistance in having your diplomas recognised for all kinds of legal formalities, such as residence status, asylum procedure or if you want to become Belgian.